Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness
Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness
Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness
Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans) |Formulated Wellness
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Formulated Wellness

Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans)


Levity Cannabis Craft Cocktails( 4 Pack Cans)

Looking for your new go-to pre-mixed cannabis cocktail?  Is that a thing?  It is now! 

(4) 12 oz cans packed with lemon and bursting with sparkling effervescent goodness, these pre-mixed cannabis cocktails have 4 mg of Delta-9 THC per can. So levity's Chronic Collins uses natural ingredients and incorporates a proprietary patented lipid solubility technology making it a true industry disrupter in the cannabis beverage space.  Make room in your fridge for the new Tom Collins---the Chronic Collins! 

(4) Levity's Ken TOKEy Mule uses natural ingredients and incorporates a proprietary patented lipid solubility technology making it a true industry disrupter in the cannabis beverage space. Make room in your fridge for the new Kentucky Mule---the Ken TOKEy Mule! 

(4) 12 oz cans packed with refreshing lime and bursting with effervescent goodness, these pre-mixed cannabis cocktails have 4 mg of Delta-9 THC per can. Levity's Cannarita uses natural ingredients and incorporates a proprietary patented lipid solubility technology making it a true industry disrupter in the cannabis beverage space.  Make room in your fridge for the new margarita---the CANNArita! 

  • 4 mg of Delta 9 THC per can
  • Early onset - It "hits" you in a similar timeframe to alcohol
  • Alcohol - Free
  • 21+


Flavor: Cannarita
Flavor: Cannarita